The IoT Technologies
This documents aims to provide a description of the actual and future IoT tecnologies. The study will be used by the project team in order to identify the most interesting technologies for the South Tyrolean environment. Moreover the project team will use this output to define a future development strategy that can be implemented in the coming years togethr with the Public Administration, local companies, research institutions and experts (at local, national and international level)
The documents include:
- the analysis of the actual and future IoT Technologies (e.g. LoRaWAN, 5G, etc.);
- the comparison of the most interestin tecnologies identified at point 1 considering also the needs of the South Tyrolean region;
- the development and test of a test/development kit of the 5 solutions that fits the South Tyrolean needs.
You can download the complete document at the following link.
The goal of the comparative test of the most interesting IoT Platforms identified during the literature analysis, is to identify methodologies and tools for design and prototyping that make it easier and more efficient on the one hand the collection, manipulation and transfer of data, on the other hand the visualization and storage of the same data in an IoT context.
You can download the complete document at the following link.
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