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Maintenance Tools

A beacon user, in order to report problem with one or more beacon of the network, can send an emai at the following email address:


In order to properly monitor, manage and configure the beacon netwrok, NOI Techpark developed the following applications.

A Beacon Netwok Management webapp that allows the user to view the beacon position, check the beacon status, generate collect and manage issues, change beacon configuration and other useful features. The application is available at the following link:

Maitenance webapp

The user maual of the Beacon Netwok Management webapp is available at the following link:

Webapp user manual

The webapp is accessible only to the official beacon managers and maintainers, in order to become a beacon maintainer and have access to the webapp you have to send us the request.

Beacome a maintainer

The source code of the webapp is available on the repository git of the NOI Techpark. The whole source code can be downloaded pressing the following button.

Source code

A Beacon Network Management Android app with the same functionalities of the webapp and allows also to upload the configuration (communiction frequency, range, UID, Major, Minor, eddystone URl, etc.) on the single beacons. The application is available on the google play store at the following link:

Get the App

The user maual of the Beacon Netwok Management Android App is available at the following link:

App User manual

The source code of the Android app is available on the repository git of the NOI Techpark. The whole source code can be donloaded pressing the following button.

Source code

Note: Please note that you can access the webapp and the mobile maintenance app by using the same credentials.

Note: Since this are tools dedicated to the technicians, it has been deicded to provide it only in English.